Principles of personal data processing

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Information on the processing of personal data for customers

As our customer, you provide us with some of your personal data and we collect and otherwise process this personal data. In this document you will find information about the processing of your personal data and the rights you have under this processing in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. („Regulation„).

As you are a natural person, the information applies to you in its entirety.

Basic information about the personal data administrator

TThe persons collecting your personal data and therefore their administrators are TOP Zastavárna, s.r.o., Plzeňská 59, Praha 5, ID: 24309818, GetCash, s.r.o., Na bojišti 1459/28, Praha 2, ID: 27136256, X-TER Hand, s.r.o., Na bojišti 1459/28, Praha 2, ID: 27136272, TOP Zlatnictví s.r.o., Balbínova 529/1, Vinohrady (Praha 2), ID: 09681639. („Administrator„).

If you have any questions about your personal data or to exercise any of your rights described below, you can contact us by sending an email to

Who can access your data

Other persons have access to personal data processed by the Administrator („Recipients„). These are in particular the Administrator's employees, as well as third parties who participate in the fulfilment of the Administrator's legal obligations (e.g. auditor) or provide the Administrator with services related to its activities (e.g. legal services, IT systems management).

Your personal data is also transferred to the relevant state authorities and various persons in cases where the Administrator is required to do so by law.

Scope, purpose, legal basis and duration of the processing of personal data

Personal data required for the performance of the contract:
Natural persons:

name, surname, address, birth number and, if not assigned, date of birth, place of birth, number of identification document (ID card, passport, driving licence), sex, permanent or other residence, nationality, signature, e-mail, telephone number

These types of personal data are processed by the Administrator for the proper performance of the contract you have entered into with the Administrator. This means in particular the data provided in the contractual documentation and for the purpose of fulfilling mutual obligations.

The processing shall be carried out for the period necessary for the conclusion of the contract, for the duration of the contract and after the termination of the contract until the settlement of all rights and obligations arising from this contract, but for a maximum of 3 years from the date of termination of the relevant contract.

Personal data necessary for the performance of the legal obligations of the Administrator:

all names and surnames, birth number and, if none has been assigned, date of birth, place of birth, sex, permanent or other residence and nationality

These personal data are processed on the basis of the Administrator's obligations arising in particular from (i) tax regulations, e.g. the obligation to archive accounting documents (e.g. data on tax documents), (ii) the Trade Licensing Act and (iii) the Act on Certain Measures against the Legalization of Proceeds of Crime and Terrorist Financing.

The termination of processing of this category of personal data occurs only after the legal obligation for the fulfilment of which it is processed has ceased. The specific processing period depends on the individual legal obligations of the Administrator. For tax purposes, the relevant documents are archived for 10 years.

All of the aforementioned data may also be used to verify the business credibility in public registers on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Administrator for the duration of the contractual relationship. Similarly, on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Administrator, these personal data may be processed in cases where this is necessary to exercise the rights or fulfil the obligations of the Administrator, pending their respective settlement.

Method of processing personal data

Your personal data is processed in paper and electronic form, in accordance with the instructions of the Administrator, so that it can only be accessed by persons authorized to fulfill the purposes under point 3. The information is organizationally and technically protected against unauthorized access or misuse. Potential Recipients of personal data are contractually or legally bound to protect it properly.

Your rights as a data subject

If you have any questions or comments in connection with the processing of your personal data, please inform us using the contact details provided in point 1. You have the following rights in connection with the processing of your personal data:

Right to information and access – you have the right to request confirmation from the Administrator as to whether your personal data is being processed and, if so, information on: (i) the purpose of the processing, (ii) the categories of personal data concerned, (iii) the Recipients, (iv) the expected duration of the processing, (v) your rights against the Administrator, (vi) your right to lodge a complaint, (vii) whether automated processing is taking place, and (viii) in the case of transfers outside the European Economic Community, the safeguards for the security of your data.

Right to portability –if your personal data is processed for the purposes of contract performance, with your explicit consent or automated processing, you have the right to request a structured, machine-readable copy of your personal data and, where appropriate, its transfer to another administrator.

Right to correction – You have the right to have your processed data kept up-to-date and accurate at all times. You may request the Administrator to correct or supplement any personal data.

Right to limit processing – you have the right to request the Administrator to limit processing if: (i) you believe that your data is inaccurate until the Administrator verifies the accuracy of the data; (ii) the processing is not based on a valid legal ground, but you do not wish to request the erasure of the personal data; (iii) the Administrator no longer needs the data for the specified purposes, but you require the processing for the establishment, exercise or defence of your rights; or (iv) you have exercised your right to object as described below.

Right to erasure – you have the right to request the Administrator to delete any personal data. However, the Data Administrator is not obliged to comply with this request in the cases listed in Article 17 of the Regulation, in particular if the personal data is still necessary to process for the purposes for which it was originally collected.

Right to object – in the case of personal data processed on the basis of a legitimate interest or in the public interest, you have the right to object to the processing.

Right to lodge a complaint – in connection with the processing of your personal data, you have the right to contact the Office for Personal Data Protection with a complaint in cases where you believe that your personal data rights are being violated.

Cookie Policy

What are cookies:

In order to improve the service we provide to you, our site uses cookies. Cookies are small files that store information in your browser and are commonly used to distinguish individual users. However, a user's person is not identifiable based on this information. Cookies thus help, for example:

  • to ensure the proper functionality of our site so that you can complete the purchase process with the least possible inconvenience;
  • in remembering our customers' login credentials so they don't have to enter them every time;
  • to find out which pages and features visitors use most often, so we can best tailor our offerings to your needs;
  • help us find out which adverts visitors see most often, so that they don't see the same adverts over and over again as they browse, or so that they don't see adverts for products they're not interested in.

Which cookies we use:

The cookies used on our website can be divided into two basic types in terms of their durability. Short-term "session cookies" which are only temporary and remain stored in your browser only until you close your browser, and long-term "persistent cookies" which remain stored on your device for much longer or until you manually delete them (the length of time cookies remain on your device depends on the setting of the cookie itself and your browser settings).

In terms of the function that each cookie performs, cookies can be divided into:

  • conversion, that allow us to analyse the performance of different sales channels
  • tracking which in combination with conversion help to analyze the performance of different sales channels
  • remarketing, which we use to personalise the content of ads and target them correctly
  • analytical, to help us improve the user experience of our website by understanding how users use it
  • essential, which are important for the basic functionality of the website

Some cookies may collect information that is subsequently used by third parties and which, for example, directly support our advertising activities ("third party cookies"). For example, information about products purchased by visitors to our site may be displayed by an advertising agency so that we can better tailor the display of internet advertising banners on the websites you view. However, you cannot be identified by this information.

How to refuse the use of cookies

The use of cookies can be set using your internet browser. Most browsers automatically accept cookies by default. You can refuse cookies or set your web browser to use only certain cookies.

Cookie preferences
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